WOD 11/17/23


  • Ant Cap stretch 30/30
  • Foam Roller lat 30/30M
  • Foam Roller upper back with Body bar jerk grip straight OH x7 (hold 3 sec down)
  • Lacross ball elevator scapula 30/30sec
  • Lacross ball on scapula 1 min/ 1 min (infraspinatus / teres minor)
  • Wrist stretch 20/20/20


  • Elastic Monsters walk 10/10/10/10
  • Elastic Seated hip external rotation (3X to burn)
  • Beat swings X10
  • Calf raise 10/10/10
  • Scapula Pushups X10
  • HS Hold 20sec

A. Bench Press 5-4-3-3, (first round @ 65%)

Rest 1:30

B. 10-8-6 For time:

  • Strict HSP
  • F.S. From Ground 115/85

C. 3 rounds:

  • 12cals Echo bike
  • 40⅜ DU rest 30sec

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